
Willow's Friends Surprise Her

Willow’s Friends Surprise Her : A Book of Shadow Puppets

Willow's Friends Surprise Her

These are the links to the paperback version of Willow Travels the World.

Available on Amazon.

Available on CreateSpace.

Available on Barnes & Noble.

The story focuses on the character Willow as she travels the world, making new friends along the way. It has a simple story with intermediate level vocabulary and multiple short sentences per story page perfect for the budding reader ready for the next challenge. This book contains photographs of shadow puppet animals and a photograph of how my daughter made each of them with her hands so the reader can try to make them on their own.

It only took me months.

Willow’s Friends Surprise Her is up on Create Space!  It will slowly filter into other stores from there.  I will share links in the next few days.

Willow's Friends Surprise Her


Willow Book Three is almost live!Willow's Friends Surprise Her

The next book in the Bree’s shadow puppet series is one step closer to going live.  I am waiting to here back from Create Space.  I haven’t decided if I’m going to offer it as an ebook or not yet.  So far we have only been selling paperback versions.  It was a lot of extra work turning it into an ebook.  I will share the links as soon as it goes live.


Purple Cover

Cover Reveal

After I gave up I neglected this website a bit.  It was kind of up to date and that was fine.  What I hadn’t shared was the tentative new cover for the next Willow book.  So I will do that today!

Willow 3 Cover


Bump in progress

Per suggestion as I mentioned a few days ago I changed the cover of the second Willow book, Willow Travels the World.  I thought this would be no big deal, change the cover, submit and go about my merry way.  Well for some reason this simple change has now got the book flagged for having an ePub error, ‘calibre_toc_2’, there is more to it but that’s not the important part.  Oddly enough it always had that ePub error, actually both books do when I ran them through the ePub check.  So I am confused as to why suddenly it halts our re-inclusion with the new cover into the Premium Program with Smashwords.  I don’t know anything about ePub or it’s errors but ‘toc’ I have noticed usually means table of contents, I don’t even have one.  So, I have no idea how to fix an error on something I don’t even have.  What I gather it’s a malfunctioning link and since I have no ‘toc’ links I went ahead and checked all my hyper links to my social media and they all are working correctly.  I resubmitted it as an ePub file so wish me luck.  My next move will be just to resubmit the previous version that got expectance and hope it sneaks through like it did before.  At least the book is still available in the other cover on Smashwords distribution sites like iBooks, Kobo and Nook.  The new cover is available on Kindle but not in paperback yet, it’s in the works with CreateSpace for distribution on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc..  Already submitted, approved and checked.

Made it!

Willow Travels the World finally made it to Kobo.  I checked and checked so I gave it a rest for a few days and just saw it on there tonight.  Bree is already talking about the next adventure for Willow and I have an idea or two too.


Here is the link to Willow Visits Her Friends now available as an eBook on Nook!!

Willow Visits Her Friends: A Book of Shadow Puppets by April Parker | 2940151969987 | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble.

Silently Screaming!!

Both books have went live as eBooks on various sites!  Willow Travels the World is a live on NOOK  and iBooks!  Willow Visits Her Friends is a live on Kobo and iBooks!

Everyone has already went to bed here and I am barely managing to not run and shake them all to tell them the good news!!!!  I am really pleased I went with Smashwords and took the time to format using their guide.

Willow Visits Her Friends has been approved into Smashwords Premium Program!  It took a little longer for it to get reviewed for this but it has successfully passed and has been included in the program.  Now we just wait and see if Nook, Apple or Kobo pass it and place it on their eBook eStores.

Willow Visits Her Friends Front Cover

Anxiously awaiting news as to the Premium Status of Willow Visits Her Friends from Smashwords.  Willow Travels the World has already achieved it and it was only posted a short time before maybe an hour.  I am beginning to worry that there was an error in my formatting for the Premium Program.  Keep your fingers crossed, maybe they are just swamped with books that are eligible for the program.