Butterscotch Martini Girls

ReBlog – The Creative Process: getting ideas when you’re stuck


The Creative Process: ideas to get you going when you’re stuck

There are so many interesting ways for writers to brainstorm and get our motors revved if we’re stalled or just need some fresh new ideas. Not all, but most of the below I’ve done on different occasions, and have been just the right thing to do for that moment. Others I intend to try for the fun of it…

Source: Butterscotch Martini Girls

ReBlog – 5 Publishing Myths every new writer should know!


All of us were new at one time and had to learn the hard way what was actually the truth of things in the publishing industry. Lately I’ve heard each of these 5 Myths about the Publishing Industry and hope that this blog will save at least one new or aspiring author the pain and suffering that a lot of us went through before we learned this stuff.

Source: 5 Publishing Myths every new writer should know! | Butterscotch Martini Girls

ReBlog – 5 Publishing Myths every new writer should know!

All of us were new at one time and had to learn the hard way what was actually the truth of things in the publishing industry. Lately I’ve heard each of these 5 Myths about the Publishing Industry and hope that this blog will save at least one new or aspiring author the pain and suffering that a lot of us went through before we learned this stuff.

Original Source: 5 Publishing Myths every new writer should know!